
Canadian League of Composers

Now that we know where to go to apply for music rights, let’s talk about commissioning Canadian music. If you would like to commission a Canadian musician to write music for your production, contact the Canadian League of Composers (CLC). This organization advocates and protects composers and will steer you in the right(s) direction!

Want original music within your production? Interested in knowing the minimum commissioning fee’s as outlined by the CLC? The rates are listed here.

Do you know what a contract for the composition of new music looks like? If not, don’t worry because The Canadian League of Composer’s also provides commissioning contract templates.

They have also put together a comprehensive page on “Grand Rights”, composing for theatre, dance, and musical theatre. This page outlines what rights a composer has to their work being used in a performance production inclusive of composition, rehearsal, and royalties. This information is useful for artists who are interested in having new work be commissioned and used for a production.

Have further questions about the CLC? Contact the Canadian League of Composers today.

Created by klemieux. Last Modification: Tuesday April 28, 2020 12:56:41 EDT by kpalm.