

Harassment is discrimination based on race, religion, sex, age, or disability. It can also refer to unwelcome physical contact. Harassment is defined by the Canadian Human Rights Commission as: "a form of discrimination. It involves any unwanted physical or verbal behaviour that offends or humiliates you. Generally, harassment is a behaviour that persists over time. Serious one-time incidents can also sometimes be considered harassment."

What does Harassment look like?

The Regroupement québécois de la danse (RQD) created a graphic story to raise awareness about harassment in the dance community. It features ten problematic situations experienced in the context of training and professional practice, presented by illustrator Sarah Arnal. The story helps facilitate the identification of abusive behaviours in this field, where the body workload, the overcoming of physical and mental limits and precariousness are important risk factors for psychological and sexual violence. It can be viewed in English or French - links below:
English Version
Version française

Crisis Resources

These pages list emergency services, 24-Hour help lines, resource centres, programs, and legal support for folks in crisis and survivors of trauma. If you find yourself in crisis and need someone to talk to, please take a look at our emergency resources for:

Creating a Harassment Policy

A Harassment Policy is a written policy specifically stating that harassment will not be tolerated at work. As an independent producer or independent theatre company, you are required by law to have a Harassment Policy and a Health and Safety Policy. Click here for information on how to create your company’s own harassment and human rights policy.

Accountability Processes

An accountability process occurs when members of a community organize to respond to harm that has occurred. Click here to learn more about the different types of accountability processes, and why they are relevant to your artistic producing practice.

Harassment Training and Educational Resources

Everyone has the ability to further their education on preventing and responding to harassment. Our resource pages for Toronto, Ontario, and Canada offer online programs and information about harassment prevention. You may also wish to expand your training and knowledge as a space-maker and artist producer. Here is a list of relevant courses and tool kits:


Anti-Harassment Campaigns, Movements and Petitions

University/College Groups

Responses from the artistic community

Roundtables, townhalls, statements, talks, magazines and blogs


Looking for legal support or mediation services? Here are a few resources for residents of Toronto and Ontario:

A full list of legal support organizations for artists can be found on our resource page.

Created by dgalati. Last Modification: Monday May 27, 2024 18:50:47 EDT by mmackenzie.