

Depending on the size of your project, you may want to consider engaging volunteers. A lot of the information below is based on The Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement, a document that outlines best practices when engaging volunteers.

Volunteer Statement (Vision)

Prior to proceeding with finding suitable volunteers, it is helpful to think about the questions listed below and develop a volunteer statement which could be posted on your website or added to a “call for volunteers.” Questions you may want to ask yourself include:

  1. Why would I like to engage volunteers? Are there any negatives?
  2. Why is volunteering important to the individual who is volunteering for this project? Are there any negatives?
  3. How do I define “volunteer”?
  4. Are there other words I would use (or would prefer using) when referring to volunteers?

In addition, it is a beneficial to identify the areas in need of support ahead of time and create clearly defined roles. For instance, roles could include, but are not limited to participation in:


Volunteers with excellent communication skills and sound judgment could assist with spreading the word about the planned production. You may also want to have volunteers distribute your posters/flyers at community centres, cafés, galleries, theatres, and other suitable locations in a variety of neighbourhoods.

Producing Tip: You may want volunteers to sign an agreement prior to publishing any posts about the event to ensure that they adhere to proper etiquette when using social media. In addition, you could provide them with pre-created messages you deem appropriate for sharing.


Consider getting help during the production phase. It can be useful to have a set of extra hands to help run around or assist with some administration behind-the-scenes. A volunteer could take on any number of tasks:

  • Fulfill general administrative tasks (filing, shredding, archiving)
  • Act as a runner during rehearsals
  • Add alt-text or captions to social media posts

Front of House/Box Office

Volunteers are often used to support venue staff with ushering and scanning duties.

Producing Tip: Give your volunteers a tour of the venue to familiarize themselves with the layout and meet staff ahead of the performance so that they can assist with way-finding and provide excellent customer service, answering questions such as:

  • Where are the washrooms?
  • Do you offer accessible seating?
  • Do you have a coat check?
  • Where could I get a drink or snack?

Also, recognize that the level of service you will be providing patrons is less consistent and professional when run by volunteer ushers. Take this into account if your project deals with sensitive subject matter or if your production is geared towards reaching an audience with very specific access needs.

Box Office should be handled by paid staff only. Generally speaking, volunteers shouldn’t ever handle money transactions or manage a coat check, to protect personal belongings and valuables

Policies and Procedures

The following key policies should be considered when you onboard volunteers:

Code of Conduct

  • Anyone involved with the project should be supported and treated with dignity and respect.


  • Confidentiality should be maintained at all times. A breach of confidentiality may result in dismissal.
  • Private information should be carefully protected unless there is a legal reason for disclosure.
  • Social Media should be used in a professional manner and adhere to any confidentiality clauses.


  • Participants should be informed that harassment and discrimination won’t be tolerated. This includes unwanted advances, suggestive, or other aggressive remarks, racial or ethnic slurs, practical jokes which result in embarrassment or insult, and physical assault.

Producing Tip: Provide a copy of your organization's harassment policy to potential volunteers during the onboarding process.

Health and Safety

  • It is recommended that possible risks be assessed and reasonable precautions taken to protect the health and safety of volunteers and other stakeholders at all times.
  • Volunteers have the right to refuse to perform an assigned task if they don’t feel comfortable or safe.

Guidelines for Engaging Volunteers

When you set out a call for volunteers, you may receive an overwhelming number of people who are interested in volunteering their time for your organization. It is always a good idea to go through some procedures prior to engaging your volunteers. Think about how many you will need and also consider the access needs of the folks volunteering.


  • Consider screening volunteers prior to getting them involved with the project to minimize risk and to ensure that they are a good fit
  • Develop an application form
    • If you don’t use a volunteer database, you could create a simple Google form that includes any of the following information and questions:
      • Name
      • Address
      • Phone
      • Email
      • Why they are interested in supporting your project?
      • What skills and experiences they could contribute?
      • How they wish to be involved?
        • Include available roles and tasks
        • Assess how their skills align with the roles and tasks
        • Consider setting up a meeting or phone call to discuss their suitability
  • You may also want to ask for references

Orientation and Training

  • Meet with the volunteers to introduce yourself.
  • Talk with them about the planned project.
  • Discuss the type of roles/opportunities they could get involved with.
  • What is the time frame? What are the deadlines?
  • How many hours do you expect them to commit to the project and when?
  • Follow up with training.
  • Include how to interact with people with different disabilities with dignity and respect for independence.

Sample role description:

  • Describe the event.
  • Outline the tasks and responsibilities:

As an usher and/or scanner you are responsible for welcoming audience members to the venue, scanning tickets, guiding them to their seats, and answering questions they may have about the performance or venue.

This role is suitable for anyone who is comfortable interacting with the public and possesses great customer service skills.

  • Include location (address, contact, meeting point).
  • Dress Code: Please wear black trousers or skirt and black shirt or blouse.

You will receive a name tag and a brief on-site training upon arrival.

  • Additional notes you wish to share

Scheduling and Technology

Depending on the budget and the number of volunteers you hope to engage in the project, you may wish to invest in a Volunteer Database (Volunteer Management Software). If you employ more than 50 volunteers, it is recommended that you use one of the available databases to keep track of them. Here are some of the options available:

If you have fewer than 50 volunteers, you may want to use an Excel spreadsheet or use Google drive to develop forms, documents, and schedules to keep track of applicants, the shift schedule, orientation & training documents, and feedback.

  • Doodle.com may be a helpful tool to set up meetings and coordinate schedules
  • Signupgenius.com may also be helpful free option to allow volunteers to sign up for shifts

Support and Supervision

During the event, it is important to offer support to the volunteers on shift. Check in on a regular basis to ensure that everyone has a positive experience. You should also be prepared to answer questions and troubleshoot. Give everyone the opportunity to provide you with feedback at the end of each event, especially if it is a multi-day event and you could apply some of what has been learned to the next day.

Evaluation and Recognition

Thank the volunteers for their support and ask for feedback from everyone involved (volunteers, co-workers, venue staff, and audience members) so that you are able to improve systems in place in the future. The evaluation process could be based on a survey you share with everyone.
Additional perks you could offer include:

  • Snacks and water, coffee, tea
  • Tickets to the show
  • Act as a reference
  • Organize a party/dinner/picnic
  • Send a personal thank you note

Where to Post

When the time comes to recruit volunteers and your immediate circle of friends and family are not an option, additional resources are available:

  • V.A.A.C.T (Volunteer Award for Arts & Culture Toronto) - This committee is managed by Volunteer Managers/Coordinators who supervise volunteer programs at different arts and culture organizations, including Arts in the Parks, Caribbean Carnival, EDIT@ Design Exchange, Fringe, Hot Docs, imagineNATIVE, Inside Out, Luminato, Pride Toronto, Reel Asian, The City of Toronto – Special Events, and TIFF. They would be happy to share a “call for volunteers” with their volunteer teams.

  • In your call for volunteers you should include:
    • Details about the event
    • Your contact info
    • Deadline
    • Any accommodation requirements

Be prepared to receive a high number of emails

  • Postings:

The sites listed below may be able to post a “call for volunteers” at no or low cost. Volunteer Toronto may offer additional support if your project qualifies as a “Community Group.” If you operate as a group with a budget less than $75,000/year you’ll get a free subscription with 6 postings per year:

Created by admin. Last Modification: Thursday May 30, 2024 15:20:33 EDT by mmackenzie.